Saturday, January 11, 2014

Special Passage Suggestion -Hand note for all

The Statue of Liberty………………………
Number- 1:
Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
1. Bedloe’s Island is —.
(i) in the middle of New York         (ii) in the out shirt of New York   
(iii) in the suburb of New York        (iv) in the harbour of New York
2. There are — countries involved in the construction to the structure of the state.
(i) two        (ii) three              (iii) many          (iv) one
3. The base foundation and installation cost were carried by —.
(i) the US donors         (ii) the France donors       (iii) the US people        (iv) the elites of France
4. Broken chains which lie at the feet of the statue indicate —.
(i) the rise of tyranny    (ii) the start of oppression         (iii) the end of repression       (iv) the open of oppression
5. One can climb to the peak of the statue by —.
(i) a single way         (ii) three ways      (iii) two ways      (iv) none of these
6. What is the name of the designer of the Statue of Liberty?
(i) A French Architect       (ii) A French Sculptor       (iii) Grover Cleveland         (iv) Frederic Barthholdi
7. Originally the statue was designed as a symbol of —.
(i) freedom        (ii) international friendship           (iii) hostility               (iv) international trade and commerce
8. The USA observed one hundred years of her independence in —.
(i) 1776          (ii) 1876           (iii) 1886                  (iv) 1924
9. The statue of Liberty was — from France by the United states.
(i) fought             (ii) borrowed           (iii) received           (iv) donated
10. The statue is a figure of a —.
(i) man          (ii) chain         (iii) woman          (iv) book
11. The inscription in the book says the date of US —.
(i) tyranny         (ii) bondage           (iii) independence           (iv) oppression
12. Before July 14, 1776 the USA was —.
(i) free                (ii) not free              (iii) independent           (iv) oppression
13. The dedication date of the work is —.
(i) October 28, 186        (ii) July 4, 1776             (iii) 1924          (iv) 1876
14. France raised founds by —.
(i) extortion           (ii) subscription        (iii) borrowing          (iv) taking loan
15. The money for the pedestal and installation came from —.
(i) population subscription     (ii) President Cleveland           (iii) France       (iv) US donors

Answers for Number- 1:
1. (iv) in the harbour of New York                                                                   2. (i) two
3. (i) the US donors                                                                                              4. (iii) the end of repression
5. (iii) two ways                                                                                                    6. (iv) Frederic
7. (ii) international friendship                                                                            8. (ii) 1876
9. (iii) received                                                                                                      10. (ii) not free
11. (iii) women                                                                                                     12. (iii) independence
13. (i) October 28, 1886                                                                                     14. (ii) subscription
15. (iv) US donors                                                                                               

Number- 2:
Write, whether the following statements are true or false. If false, give the correct answer.
1. The US government collected subscription to make the pedestal and install the statue.
2. The United States of America got freedom in the year of 1776.
3. The statue which has been created with copper sheets fastened to an iron structure.
4. The hundredth anniversary of US Independence was observed in 1776.
5. The statue of liberty was presented by France as a token of enmity.
6. The past name of Liberty Island was Bedloe’s Island.
7. Initially the Statue of Liberty was called the Statue of American Independence.
8. The Statue is in the Shape of a man.
9. The Statue is made of gold and silver.
10. Statue of Liberty is the largest statue in the world.
11. The head of the statue is reachable by a staircase or emergency lift.
12. The figure measures 306ft 8 in high.
13. The former name of Bedloe’s Island was not liberty Island.
14. The Statue was designed by an American architect.

Answers for Number- 2:
1. False. Correct answer: The US donors financed the pedestal and installation of the monument.
2. True.
3. True.
4. False. Correct answer: The hundredth anniversary of US independence was observed in 1876.
5. False. Correct answer: The Statue of liberty was presented by France as a token of friendship.
6. True.
7. False. Correct answer: Initially the Statue of Liberty was called the liberty Enlightening the world.
8. False. Correct answer: The Statue is in the shape of a woman.
9. False. Correct answer:  The Statue is made of copper and iron.
10. False. Correct answer: Statue of Liberty is one of the largest statues in the world.
11. True.
12. True.
13.  True.
14. False. Correct answer: The statue was designed by the French sculptor Frederic.

Number- 3:
1. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
The United States of America (a) — its independence on July 4, 1776. The Statue of Liberty has been (b) — on liberty Island. It was situated (c) — on Bedloe’s Island, in the harbour of New York. The statue stands (d) — freedom. The torch in her right hand and the book in her left hand symbolise (e) — and (f) — respectively. A French sculptor (g) — name is Frederic Barthodi. (h) — a designer of the statue. The USA (i) — the statue from France at the moment of (j) — of centennial of US Independence in 1876.

2. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
The Statue of Liberty is (a) — in Liberty Island. It has got a (b) — meaning of liberty in the form of a woman. Broken chains (c) — at her feet (d) — the overthrow of tyranny. Freideric Bartholdi was the (e) — of the statue. It was given to the us for (f) — the centennial of the US independence. People of France subscribed to manage the fund (g) — for the construction of the statue. On the other hand, the US donors gave the (h) — support for the pedestal installation of the monument. The work was (i) — by president Grover Cleveland of October 28, 1886. The statue (j) — freedom and the arrival millions of immigrants to the United States.

Answers for Number- 3:
1. (a) earned                         (b) raised                               (c) earlier                               (d) for                                     (e) liberty
(f) knowledge                       (g) whose                               (h) is                                       (i) received                            (j) celebration.

2. (a) situated                       (b) symbolic                          (c) lying                                  (d) symbolizes                      (e) designer
(f) commemorating             (g) needed                             (h) financial                          (i) dedicated                          (j) signifies.

1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about the Statue of Liberty. Use the clues in the box below. Write the information in the logical sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words.
token of love

2. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about the strategy construction and significance of the ‘Statue of Liberty’. Use the clues in the box below. Write the information in the logical sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words.

Number- 5:
Answer the following questions:
1. When did France present the statue to the USA?
2. Why is the year 1924 significant?
3. What does the statue imply?
4. How is the statue of liberty framed of?
5. What does the book in the hand of the statue stand for?
6. Where is the statue situated?
7. How ere funds raised for building the statue?
8. Why is 4 July 1776 a historic day?
9. Who is the designer of the statue?
10. What does the statue symbolize?
11. How is the overthrown of tyranny indicated?
12. What were declared national monument?
13. What does the statue symbolizes?

Answers for Number- 5:
1. France presented the statue to the USA to commemorate the centennial of US independence in 1876.
2. The year 1924 is significant because in this year the statue, the island and nearby Ellis Island were declared a national monument.
3. The statue implies the overthrow of tyranny and a global symbol of freedom.
4. The statue of liberty is framed of copper sheets riveted to an iron framework.
5. The book in the hand of the statue stands for knowledge.
6. The statue is situated in the harbour of New York.
7. Funds were raised by popular subscription for building the statue.
8. 4 July 1776 is a historic day, because on this day, because on this day America achieved independence.
9. Frederic Bartholdi, a French sculptor, is the designer of the statue.
10. The statue symbolizes liberty and the overthrow of tyranny.
11. The statue is in the form of a woman wearing broken chains at her left feet which indicate the overthrow of tyranny.
12. The statue, the island and nearby Ellis Island were declared national monument.
13. The statue symbolizes liberty and the overthrow of tyranny.

Number- 6:
1. Fill in each with a suitable word of your own, based on the information from the text in ‘A’.
Statue of Liberty has become a (a) — symbol of Freedom. But (b) — of it was not an easy task. French people had to (c) — funds by (d) — subscription. Besides, US (e) — also (f) — a lot. Frederic Barholdi, a French, was the (g) — of the statue. It is one of the greatest (h) — in the world. It (i) — the arrival of millions of (j) — to the United States.  

Answers for Number- 6:
1. (a) global                           (b) building/construction    (c) collect                               (d) popular                            (e) donors
(f) contributed                      (g) designed                           (h) statues                             (i) marks                                (j) immigrants.

Number- 7:

1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine that you have visited the Statue of Liberty recently. Now write in about 70-80 words about the structural frame of the statue.

Number- 8:
1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write the main ideas of the passage in your own words in not more than five sentences.
2. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
3. Write in your own words, the main ideas of the passage in not more than five sentences.
4. Summarize the passage in your own word within five sentences.
5. Write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
6. From the reading of the text in Part ‘A’ write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
7. Write the main ideas of the passage in 5 sentences.
 8. Write the main ideas of the story in five sentences in your own words.
9. Write the summary in five sentences.
10. Write the main ideas of the text in your own words in not more than five sentences.

The first Teaching is awarded……………………
Number- 1:
Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
1. In our country women have — opportunity in teaching as men.
(i) more                                  (ii) less                                    (iii) little                                  (iv) proportionate
2. In the arena of teaching one has to be conscious of —.
(i) personality       (ii) capability        (iii) sincerity      (iv) up-to-date findings
3. — creates impediment for a women for self-development in teaching.
(i) Own unwillingness    (ii) Opposition from society    (iii) Inequality        (iv) Social and family constraint
4. A teacher has to work — after regular class hours.
(i) very little        (ii) a lot      (iii) quite often         (iv) all the time
5. The most important thing in any woman’s successful career is the — she gets from her family.
(i) assistance         (ii) money          (iii) wealth          (iv) barrier
6. Women lag behind in the merit race because —.
(i) they do not have much merit                                       (ii) they are not so hardworking    
(iii) they cannot avail the opportunity                             (iv) they cannot excel men in merit
7. The new generation of women are more assertive. Here the word ‘assertive’ means —.
(i) boldly expressive        (ii) submissive     (iii) positive     (iv) narrative
8. A teacher’s duty is —.
(i) to conduct classes     (ii) to check exam scripts     (iii) to set questions      (iv) all of the above
9. Training Programme for the teachers are arranged —.
(i) confined      (ii) limited         (iii) compulsory             (iv) merely
10. A teacher’s work is not — to take classes only.
(i) confined         (ii) limited     (iii) compulsory        (iv) merely
11. In teaching women enjoy — opportunity.
(i) unequal          (ii) more          (iii) less             (iv) the same
12. What can break a women’s career?
(i) family support        (ii) co-operation        (iii) non co-operating family     (iv) training
13. In the field of teaching a teacher has to be conscious of the —.
(i) latest findings    (ii) latest developments      (iii) latest study     (iv) most recent findings and developments
14. Women cannot go abroad for training because of —.
(i) financial problem  (ii) less merit       (iii) social circumstances     (iv) social and family circumstances

Answers for Number- 1:
1. (iv) proportionate                                                                                            2. (iv) up to date findings
3. (iv) Social and family                                                                                     4. (ii) a lot
5. (i) assistance                                                                                                     6. (iii) they cannot avail the opportunity
7. (i) boldly expressive                                                                                        8. (iv) all of the above
9. (iii) in both home and abroad                                                                       10. (i) confined
11. (iv) the same                                                                                                  12. non co-operating family
13.  (iv) most recent findings and developments                                           14. social and family circumstances

Number- 2:
Write, whether the following statements are true or false. If false, give the correct answer.
1. Taking classes is the only job of a teacher.
2. Gender discrimination exists in teaching.
3. A teacher has to keep pace with the latest information in the field of teaching.
4. One should make career plan after having good qualifications.
5. One should choose such a career that will allow one to contribute the society.
6. For the betterment of the career a teacher has to receive pedagogical training.
7. Today’s women are very assertive about their potentialities.
8. The cause of women’s lagging behind is their negative attitude towards the teaching profession.
9. The change of the mindset regarding women’s participation in the work is rapid.
10. Women have to cope with various problems in pursuing their career.
11. A teacher has to perform a great deal of work.
12. In teaching has to perform a great deal of work.
13. In teaching profession a women faces discrimination.
14. Women do not receive training willingly.
15. A women does not face any problem pursuing their career.
16. The speaker of the text is male.
17. Gender discrimination does not prevail in teaching profession.

Answers for Number- 2:
1. False. Correct answer: A teacher takes classes as well as assesses and corrects students exam scripts.
2. False. Correct answer: Gender discrimination is hardly found in teaching.
3. True.
4. True.
5. True.
6. True.
7. True.
8. False. Correct answer: The cause of women’s lagging behind in teaching profession is due to social and family circumstances.
9. False. Correct answer: The change of the mindset regarding women’s participation in the work is not rapid.
10. True.
11. True.
12. False. Correct answer: In teaching profession a woman does not face any discrimination.
13. False. Correct answer: Women cannot receive classes a teacher has to do many other things.
14. False. Correct answer: Besides taking classes a teacher has to do many other things.
15. False. Correct answer: A women faces various types of social and family problems pursuing their career.
16. False. Correct answer: It is difficult to determine whether the speaker is male or female.
17. True.

Number- 3:
1. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
Teaching is (a) — a noble profession. Women do not face any (b) — in this profession. Teaching gives a women a better (c) — to look after both home and career. Generally it is (d) — that a teacher only takes classes. Actually (e) — taking classes, a teacher has to (f) — question of various examination and has to look (g) — the answer scripts of schools and public examinations. He/she has to (h) — a lot in order to be (i) — with the latest information. A postgraduate degree from a (j) — university is needed to become a teacher of a university.
2. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
Teaching is the most (a) –– profession for women. Through this profession they can serve the family, (b) –– education to the students and (c) –– their career. Generally it is (d) –– that a teacher only takes classes. In fact, a teacher has to (e) –– a lot of works. She of he has to (f) –– exams and (g) –– the answer scripts for assessing the students. She or he has to (h) –– a lot in order to (i) ––the latest (j) — in the field of teaching.

3. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
Teaching is the most (a) –– profession for women. (b) –– this profession they can (c) –– the family. (d) –– education and develop their career. This is possible (e) –– a teacher has to (f) –– not more than 5-6 hours in their work place. But this does not mean that their work is very easy and (g) ––. Besides taking classes a teacher has to (h) –– questions of various examinations and (i) –– the answer script. A teacher has to (h) –– questions of various examinations and the answer scripts. A teacher has to study a lot in order to be (j) — with the latest information.

Answers for Number- 3:
1. (a) undeniably                 (b) disparity                          (c) scope                                (d) deemed                            (e) besides
(f) set                                      (g) over                                  (h) study                                                (i) acquainted                       (j) recognized.

2. (a) suitable                        (b) impart                              (c) develop                            (d) thought                            (e) perform
(f) take                                   (g) examine                           (h) study                                                (i) know                                 (j) information.

3. (a) suitable                        (b) Through                           (c) serve                                 (d) impart                              (e) as
(f) spend                                (g) light                                   (h) set                                     (i) asses                                  (j) acquainted.

1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about teaching profession for women. Use the clues in the box below. Write the information in the logical sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words.
refresher courses
professional development
family support

2. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about teaching profession for women. Use the clues in the box below. Write the information in the logical sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words.

3. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information teaching profession for women. Use the clues in the box below. Write the information in the logical sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words.
equal opportunities
not easy
can go far
society and family

Number- 5:
Answer the following questions:
1. Why do most women prefer teaching as their career?
2. What problems does a female teacher face in developing her career?
3. Why is it not easy for a female teacher to receive training in abroad?
4. What advice for the new generation women is given in the passage?
5. How, according to the speaker, can one develop as a teacher?
6. Why is teaching a suitable profession for most of the women?
7. Why does a women lag behind at work place?
8. How are the new generation women in their profession?
9. Do you think teaching is more comfortable than the other jobs? Why?
10. What do most people think about teaching?
11. Do you think teaching is easier than other jobs? Give reasons for your answer?
12. How can a teacher be developed professionally?

Answers for Number- 5:
1. Most women prefer teaching as their career because it gives women a better opportunity to take care of both home and career.
2. A women falls behind in her career because of her social and family circumstances.
3. It is not easy for female teachers to get training from abroad as they face different familial problems.
4. The new generation women have to acquire good qualifications at first and then they should plan their career in such away that they can give something back to the society.
5. According to the speaker, one can develop as a teacher by doing refresher courses from time to time, by conducting study and research and by co-operating with other colleagues.
6. Teaching is a suitable profession for most of the women as it gives them a better opportunity to take care of both home and career.
7. A women lags behind at work place because they cannot undergo professional training because of social and family circumstances.
8. The new generation women are assertive and confident in their profession.
9. No, I do not think that teaching is more comfortable than job as it equally requires painstaking labour as that of other jobs.
10. Most people think that teaching is not a difficult job.
11. No, I do not think so because a teacher has to do a lot of work.
12. A teacher can be developed professionally if he gets proper training.

Number- 6:
1. Fill in each with a suitable word of your own based on the information from the text in ‘A’.
General people cannot (a) — about the (b) — of work that a teacher has to do. In case of (c) — teachings (d) — one needs to get a post-graduation degree from a (e) — university. After doing (f) — courses one can think of (g) — a good teacher. In our society women cannot take the (h) — for their professional developments. So, the (i) — that they can get from their (j) — is very important.

2. Fill in each with a suitable word of your own based on the information from the text in ‘A’.
Generally it is a widely held, (a) –– that the teaching profession is less labourous than the other jobs. Very few people can realize the amount of load a teacher has to (b) ––. In order to (c) –– teaching accordingly, one needs to get a postgraduate degree from a (d) –– university. After doing refreshers courses one can think of (e) –– a good teacher. A good teacher should be well conversant (f) –– the latest findings and (g) –– in the field of teaching. In our society a woman alone cannot take (h) –– for their professional development. So they need the (i) –– of their family to develop their (j) ––.

3. Fill in each with a suitable word of your own based on the information from the text in ‘A’.
Usually working women faces (a) –– problems at (b) –– and outside. She has to (c) –– a lot to (d) –– herself as a career person. Of the professions women (e) –– teaching (f) –– because it gives them the scope to (g) –– after their family and career. (h) –– it is the of most people that teaching profession is easier than other jobs. It is not really so. Actually teaching is not all an easy job (j) –– to office work.  

Answers for Number- 6:
1. (a) realize                          (b) amount                            (c) imparting                         (d) every                                (e) well-known
(f) refresher                           (g) becoming                         (h) opportunity                     (i) support                              (j) family.

2. (a) notion/idea                 (b) bear                                  (c) perform                            (d) recognized                       (e) being
(f) with                                   (g) research/development  (h) initiative                          (i) support/consent              (j) career/profession.

3. (a) various/many            (b) home                                (c) do/struggle                       (d) establish/develop           (e) prefer/like
(f) most                                  (g) look                                  (h) Though                            (i) belief                                 (j) compared.

Number- 7:

1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine you are a young teacher. Now write in about 70-80 words on your ideas about teaching career and its pleasures and pains.
2. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Suppose you are Rehana Sharmin, a teacher. Now write a paragraph in about 70-80 words about your idea of teaching as a career.  
3. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine you are a young teacher. Now write in about 70-80 words on your ideas about your profession.
4. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Suppose you are female teacher. Now write a paragraph in about 70-80 words about your idea of teaching as a career. 

Number- 8:
1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write the main ideas of the passage in your own words in not more than five sentences.
2. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
3. Write in your own words, the main ideas of the passage in not more than five sentences.
4. Summarize the passage in your own word within five sentences.
5. Write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
6. From the reading of the text in Part ‘A’ write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
7. Write the main ideas of the passage in 5 sentences.
 8. Write the main ideas of the story in five sentences in your own words.
9. Write the summary in five sentences.
10. Write the main ideas of the text in your own words in not more than five sentences.

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