Saturday, January 11, 2014

Passage Suggestion for SSC 2014 - Special Hand Note Suggestion

International Mother Language Day…….
Number- 1:
Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
1. The UNESCO announced February as the International Mother Language Day — the martyrs.
(i) recognize   (ii) acknowledging        (iii) preserving       (iv) know
2. In the passage the word ‘resolution’ means —.
(i) declaration    (ii) nomination        (iii) proposal         (iv) determination
3. The heroic sons of Bangla embraced death to — the dignity of mother tongue.
(i) destroy    (ii) blacked         (iii) uphold          (iv) sacrifice
4. Bangla as a mother tongue was achieve through —.
(i) suicide        (ii) avarice        (iii) caprice         (iv) immolation
5. The recognition of February 21 as the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO surely will — the mutual understanding among the countries of the whole world.
(i) discourages        (ii) bring about       (iii) expires       (iv) demolish
6. Everybody — the 21st February as the International Mother Language Day.
(i) supported    (ii) opposed           (iii) denied        (iv) ignored
7. The headquarters of UNESCO — in Paris.
(i) lay        (ii) laid           (iii) lain          (iv) lies
8. We pay — to the martyrs.
(i) loyalty          (ii) devotion         (iii) adoration         (iv) reverence
9. The International Mother Language Day reminds us the martyrs of the —.
(i) language movement        (ii) freedom fighting        (iii) mass movement         (iv) democratic movement
10. Here, the word ‘proclamation’ means —.
(i) declaration          (ii) nomination        (iii) statement     (iv) reverence

Answers for Number- 1:
1. (ii) acknowledging                                                                           2. (iii) proposal
3. (iii) uphold                                                                                                        4. (v) immolation
5. (ii) bring about                                                                                                 6. (i) supported
7. (iv) lies                                                                                                               8. (iv) reverence
9. (i) language movement                                                                                  10. (i) declaration

Number- 2:
Write, whether the following statements are true or false. If false, give the correct answer.
1. Bangla got recognition as a mother tongue at the cost of valuable lives.
2. The martyrs of the Language Movement are remaining in low esteem.
3. Only the people of Bangladesh pay tribute to the martyrs of the Language Movement.
4. The martyrs are recognized locally.
5. The proclamation paved the way for multilingual education.
6. The memory of the martyrs of the language movement has sunk into oblivion.
7. We observe the day with due solemnity.
8. At present the 21st February is observed globally.
9. The martyrs of the language movement are held in due respect.
10. The resolution was passed in Bangladesh.
11. The memory of the martyrs will never be forgotten.
12. Before 1999 no nation observed this day.

Answers for Number- 2:
1. True.
2. False. Correct answer: The martyrs of the language movement are remaining in high esteem.
3. False. Correct answer: People all over the world pay tribute to the martyrs of the language movement.
4. False. Correct answer: The martyrs are recognized globally.
5. True.
6. False. Correct answer: The memory of the martyrs will never sink into oblivion.
7. True.
8. True.
9. True.
10. False. Correct answer: The resolution was passed at the plenary of the UNESCO at its headquarters in Paris.
11. True.
12. False. Correct answer: Before 1999 the Bangladeshi people observed this day.

Number- 3:
1. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
sake of
All over the world people now (a) — February 21 as International Mother Language Day. It is an (b) — of the sacrifices of the martyrs who laid down their lives for the (c) — the rightful place of Bangla. A (d) — decision was made unanimously in UNESCO and it came as an (e) —. (f) — person of the world thought that the Bangladeshi are the only nation who (g) — for their mother tongue. (h) — in opinion there was a declaration in 1999 for International Mother Language Day by the UNESCO. People around the world pay (i) — to the martyrs of Language Movement. Language Martyrs are immortal for their (j) — deeds.

2. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
On February 21 people leave beds early in the morning (a) –– the memory of the (b) ––. They walk (c) –– to the Shaheed Minar singing the most cherished (f) –– “Amar Bhayer Rokte Rangano Ekushe February.” They pay (g) –– to the memory of the martyrs. They (h) –– flowers to the martyrs soul. They also flock the mosques, temples and some other (i) –– set ups and pray for the salvation of the martyrs departed (j) ––.

3. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
All Bangladeshis (a) –– the (b) –– on February 21. They walk (c) –– to the Shaheed Minar. They proceed (d) –– towards the Shaheed Minar singing the most (e) –– song “Rokte Rangano Ekushe ….”. They pay (f) –– to the memory of the martyrs. They put flowers and (g) –– as a token of deep respect. They pray to (h) –– for the (i) –– of the (j) –– souls.  

Answers for Number- 3:
1. (a) celebrate                     (b) acknowledgement         (c) sake of                             (d) distinguished                   (e) announcement
(f) Cultural                            (g) fought                              (h) agreeing                           (i) homage                             (j) heroic.

2. (a) remembering              (b) martyrs                            (c) barefooted                      (d) badges                             (e) shoulder
(f) song                                  (g) homage                            (h) offer                                 (i) religious                             (j) souls.

3. (a) remember                   (b) martyrs                            (c) barefooted                      (d) slowly                               (e) touching
(f) homage                            (g) wreaths                            (h) Almighty                         (i) salvation                           (j) departed.

1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about announcement of the International Mother Language Day by the UNESCO. Use the clues in the box below. Write the information in the logical sequence as it appears in the text.

2. The passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about the announcement of International Mother Language Day by the UNESCO. Use the clues in the box below. Write the information in the logical sequence as it appears in the text.


Number- 5:
Answer the following questions:
1. Why has the UNESCO announcement February 21 as the International Mother Language Day?
2. When did the resolution come?
3. How are the martyrs of the Language Movement remembered?
4. What was the aim of the proclamation of the UNESCO?
5. Where is the headquarter of the UNESCO situated?
6. What has the sacrifice of martyrs achieved?
7. Do you think the martyrs of the Language Movement are remembered? Why?
8. What does UNESCO stand for?
9. Who observe the day?
10. What has impelled the UNESCO to announce 21st February as the International Mother Language Day?

Answers for Number- 5:
1. The UNESCO has announced February 21 as the International Mother Language Day to recognize the sacrifice of the martyrs and to respect mother tongue.
2. The resolution came to Paris in November 1999.
3. The martyrs of the language movement are remembered by observing the International Mother language Day.
4. The aim of the proclamation of the UNESCO is to respect the supreme sacrifice of the martyrs of the language Day.
5. The headquarter of the UNESCO is situated in Paris.
6. The sacrifice of martyrs has achieved the rightful place of Bangla.
7. No doubt, I think the martyrs of the Language Movement are remembered because they sacrificed their lives to establish the rightful place of Bangla.
8. UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.
9. The international community observe the day.
10. Bangalees’ sacrifice of blood for their mother tongue has impelled the UNESCO to announce

Number- 6:
1. Fill in each with a suitable word of your own based on the information from the text in ‘A’.
February 21st is a (a) — for the Bangladeshi people. We observed the day with due (b) —. To spread mother-tongue (c) — is an important matter and it adds (d) — variety in language and make aware of culture and tradition in the whole world. By giving (e) — recognition of mother tongue (f) — community gave a steady (g) — to us. (h) — or using several languages will inspire understanding, tolerance and conversation. The language movement reminds us (i) — of the martyrs but also of their sacrifices. The Bangladeshi show their gratitude and pray for the (j) — of the martyrs departed soul.

2. Fill in each with a suitable word of your own based on the information from the text in ‘A’.
Twenty first February is a (a) –– day in Bangladesh. On this day the people of Bangladesh (b) –– their lives for the (c) –– of their mother tongue. After the (d) –– of Pakistan, the rulers of West Pakistan (c) –– of their mother tongue. After the (d) –– to establish Urdu was the only state language of Pakistan. But the students and the people of Bangladesh demanded Bengali (h) –– be the state language as majority of the (i) –– in East Pakistan (j) –– in Bengali.

Answers for Number- 6:
1. (a) memorable day         (b) respect                             (c) widely                               (d) also                                   (e) due
(f) the international             (g) encourage                        (h) Spreading                        (i) not only                            (j) redemption.

2. (a) memorable                 (b) sacrificed                         (c) sake                                  (d) independence                 (e) imposed
(f) speaking                           (g) wanted                             (h) to                                      (i) people                               (j) speak.

Number- 7:

1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Suppose, you are Siddique of class X. This year you have observed 21st February in your school. Now write in about 70-80 words how you have observed the day.
2. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Suppose you had an opportunity to visit Shaheed Minar on February 21 of this year. Now write in about 70-80 words about your experience.  
3. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine you are.. You. Now write in about 70-80 words about it.
4. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine you are. Now write in about 70-80 words about the
5. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine you are. Now write in about 80 words
6. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine, you are. Now write in about 70-80 words about
7. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine. Now write in about 70-80 words
8. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine. Now write in about 70-80 words
9. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine. Now write in about 70-80 words
10. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine. Now write in about 70-80 words

Number- 8:
1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write the main ideas of the passage in your own words in not more than five sentences.
2. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
3. Write in your own words, the main ideas of the passage in not more than five sentences.
4. Summarize the passage in your own word within five sentences.
5. Write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
6. From the reading of the text in Part ‘A’ write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
7. Write the main ideas of the passage in 5 sentences.
 8. Write the main ideas of the story in five sentences in your own words.
9. Write the summary in five sentences.
10. Write the main ideas of the text in your own words in not more than five sentences.

Tazneen Karim……………………..
Number- 1:
Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
1. SMC Bank provides men and women with — treatment.
(i) unequal     (ii) according to gender      (iii) equal          (iv) according to skill.
2. The SMC Bank recruits employees —.
(i) every year    (ii) after 2 year   (iii) after 3 years        (iv) after 3 years
3. In the beginning, there were — women in the various positions.
(i) a few        (ii) the few         (iii) some         (iv) several
4. What is the percentage of men, the bank takes in as new management trainees?
(i) 20%         (ii) 30%          (iii) 40%           (iv) 50%
5. — women can take banking as their career.
(i) Desirous        (ii) Educated         (iii) Covetous             (iv) Incompetent
6. In SMC Bank men and women are given — treatment.
(i) partial        (ii) impartial          (iii) preferable          (iv) baised
7. — recruits are given an equal chance of pursuing a good career.
(i) Retired         (ii) Educated          (iii) New         (iv) Brilliant
8. 49 women working in SMC Bank are engaged in — work.
(i) social           (ii) cultural          (iii) financial           (iv) managerial
9. Tazneen Karim has been working with the SMC Bank for the last — years.
(i) 9          (ii) 10         (iii) 11               (iv) 12
10. The majority of — the bank are in the management cadre.
(i) men          (ii) women         (iii) none of the above         (iv) both i and ii
11. Who is Tazneen Karim?
(i) executive       (ii) officer         (iii) member              (iv) client
12. In SMC Bank most women employees work in —.
(i) cash dept          (ii) admen dept       (iii) account dept   (iv) management dept

Answers for Number- 1:
1. (iii) equal                                                                                           2. (i) every year
3. (i) a few                                                                                             4. (iv) 50%
5. (i) Desirous                                                                                        6. (ii) impartial
7. (iii) New                                                                                             8. managerial
9. (iii) 11                                                                                                10. (ii) women
11. (i) executive                                                                                   12. (iv) management dept

Number- 2:
Write, whether the following statements are true or false. If false, give the correct answer.
1. Tazneen Karim has been working at the SMC Bank as one of the seniormost women.
2. New employees get equal chance of pursuing a good career.
3. At present women are reluctant to banking profession.
4. At first bank absorbed a few male employees.
5. SMC Bank is partial in its treatment to men and women.
6. No other women joined SMC Bank before Tazneen Karim.
7. Each year SMC Bank recruits male employees more than female employees.
8. There is little scope of building up of one’s career in SMC Bank.
9. Nowadays women are reluctant to banking profession.
10. There is no gender discrimination in SMC Bank.
11. At present, women are reluctant to banking profession.
12. Very few women joined SMC Bank before Tazneen Karim.
13. Every year SMC Bank recruits male employees more than female employees.

Answers for Number- 2:
1. False. Correct answer: Tazneen Karim has been working at the SMC Bank as the senior most women.
2. True.
3. False. Correct answer: At present women are interested in banking profession.
4. False. Correct answer: At first bank absorbed a few female employees.
5. False. Correct answer: SMC Bank is impartial in its treatment to men and women.
6. True.
7. False. Correct answer: Each year SMC Bank recruits male and female employees equally.
8. False. Correct answer: There is more scope of building up of one’s career in SMC Bank.
9. False. Correct answer: Nowadays women are not reluctant to banking profession.
10. True.
11. False. Correct answer: At present, women are not reluctant at all to banking profession.
12. False. Correct answer: Tazneen Karim is the first female executive to get onto the bank’s management committee.
13. False. Correct answer: Every year the bank takes in new management trainees, consisting of 50% men and 50% women.

Number- 3:
1. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
Tazneen Karim (a) — the post of Corporate Manager in SMC Bank. She has (b) — with the bank for more than a (c) —. When she (d) — the bank, only a few women workers (e) — there. With the passage of (f) — the situation (g) —. Many more women (h) — been given the opportunity to work in (i) — departments of the bank. At present, the total (j) — of women workers is 49.

2. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
Tazneen Karim has been (a) –– in SMC Bank for (b) –– years. She is the senior-most (c) –– to get (d) –– the bank’s management committee. (e) –– a few women were working in the beginning, the situation is (f) –– now. Forty nine women are working in SMC Bank and most of (g) –– are in (h) –– (i) ––. In this bank male and female employees are treated (j) ––.  

3. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary.
Tazneen Karim is holding the (a) –– of Corporate Manager in SMC bank. She has been (b) –– with this bank for more than eleven (c) ––. She is the first female executive to (d) –– a post in the bank’s management committee. She is a (e) –– in the management committee. At the (f) –– very few women are working in (g) –– positions in the bank. Now with the (h) –– of time the bank has (i) –– to work in various departments of the bank.

Answers for Number- 3:
1. (a) working                       (b) positions                          (c) passage                            (d) changed                           (e) managerial
(f) recruits                              (g) building                            (h) interested                         (i) profession                         (j) equal.

2. (a) working                       (b) eleven                              (c) woman                             (d) on                                     (e) although
(f) changing                          (g) them                                 (h) management                  (i) cadre                                 (j) neutrally.

3. (a) position                       (b) working                            (c) years                                 (d) hold                                  (e) pioneer
(f) initial                                 (g) various                             (h) passes                              (i) undergone                        (j) encourage.

1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about the SMC Bank. Use the clues in the box below. Write the information in the logical sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words.

2. The passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write a paragraph based on the information about Tazneen Karim and SMC Bank. Use the clues in the box below. Write the information in the logical sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words.
First female executive

Number- 5:
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the designation of Tazneen Karim?
2. Where does she work?
3. How long has she been serving there?
4. How are women treated at SMC?
5. What type of opportunity do young recruits get at SMC?
6. What is Tazneen Karim?
7. How many women are working in this bank now?
8. What does SMC Bank offer to its?
9. What do you mean by regardless of gender?

Answers for Number- 5:
1. She is the corporate manager of SMC Bank.
2. She works at the SMC Bank?
3. She has been serving there for eleven years.
4. Women are treated equally as men at SMC.
5. At SMC, young recruits get equal opportunity of pursuing a good career.
6. Tazneen Karim is the corporate manager of SMC Bank.
7. There are 49 women working at SMC Bank now.
8. SMC Bank offers women wide scope for building up career in banking profession.
9. Regardless of gender means no difference between male and female.

Number- 6:
1. Fill in each with a suitable word of your own based on the information from the text in ‘A’.
Tazneen Karim has been (a) —in SMC Bank for the last 11 years. When she took job in the SMC Bank, there were only a few women in various (b) —. With the (c) — of time, the situation has (d) —. Nowadays many more women enjoy much more opportunities in different departments of the bank. At present in total 49 women work in this bank. Most of them do (e) — job. Every year the bank (f) — new management trainees. For the young recruits there is much scope for (g) — up career. (h) — women can take up banking (i) — as a career. In SMC Bank all the women and men get (j) — treatment.

2. Fill in each with a suitable word of your own based on the information from the text in ‘A’.
In the (a) ––, there were only a few women in (b) –– positions at SMC. Now the (c) –– has changed. At present many women are keen to (d) –– up banking as a (e) ––. Every (f) –– the bank (g) –– new management (h) –– The young recruits get much (i) –– for (j) –– up a career.

Answers for Number- 6:
1. (a) working                       (b) positions                          (c) passage                            (d) changed                           (e) changed
(f) managerial                      (g) recruits                             (h) building                            (i) interested                          (j) profession.

2. (a) beginning                    (b) various                             (c) situation                           (d) take                                  (e) profession
(f) year                                   (g) recruits                             (h) trainees                            (i) chance                              (j) building.

Number- 7:

1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine you are Tazneen Karim working in a non-government bank. Now, write in your own words about your job in not more than 80 words .
2. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine. Now write in about 70-80 words about the
3. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine you are.. You. Now write in about 70-80 words about it.
4. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine you are. Now write in about 70-80 words about the
5. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine you are. Now write in about 80 words
6. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine, you are. Now write in about 70-80 words about
7. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine. Now write in about 70-80 words
8. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine. Now write in about 70-80 words
9. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine. Now write in about 70-80 words
10. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Imagine. Now write in about 70-80 words

Number- 8:
1. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write the main ideas of the passage in your own words in not more than five sentences.
2. Read the passage in ‘A’ again. Now, write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
3. Write in your own words, the main ideas of the passage in not more than five sentences.
4. Summarize the passage in your own word within five sentences.
5. Write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
6. From the reading of the text in Part ‘A’ write the main ideas of the story in your own words in not more than five sentences.
7. Write the main ideas of the passage in 5 sentences.
 8. Write the main ideas of the story in five sentences in your own words.
9. Write the summary in five sentences.
10. Write the main ideas of the text in your own words in not more than five sentences.

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